How to calculate the circular LED display area? What are the application scenarios

Circular display is a special shape of the display, its area calculation method is different from the conventional display,usually in square meters. How to calculate the circular LED display area? The following Apexls for you to answer:

When calculating the area of a circular display, you need to use the calculation formula for a circle. The formula for the area of a circle is: area = π × (diameter ÷2) square, so the area of the circular display can be calculated by substituting its radius into the formula. For example, the diameter of an LED circular screen is 2 meters, then the corresponding area =3.14 × (2÷2) ²=3.14 square meters. Of course, the above is the standard circular display calculation method, such as Apexls has done the case and semi-circular screen, two-thirds of the circular screen, then of course the calculation method will be different.

Apexls - Workshop ready to ship LED circular screen

What are the application scenarios of led circular display?

1. Commercial advertising. Outdoor places such as shopping malls, commercial blocks and billboards often use LED circular screens as publicity media. Its unique shape and bright colors can attract people's attention and enhance the advertising effect. In indoor commercial places, such as shopping malls, stores, etc., LED circular screens are also often used to display product information, brand image or promotional activities to attract customer attention.

2. Stage performance. Stage performances need to create a unique atmosphere and visual effects, and the LED circular screen has excellent flexibility and plasticity, which plays an important role in creating stage effects. The circular screen can be used as the background to display various patterns and images. Through the change of images and the conversion of colors, it presents a wonderful visual feast for the audience and enhances the artistic appeal of the performance.

3. Business meetings and academic exchanges. In large conference venues, the circular display can be used as a tool for information release, real-time display of participants' names, positions and other information, to provide convenience. In addition, the circular screen combined with high-definition image technology, can play the speaker's slides, video presentations and other content, making the conference content more lively and interesting, enhance the participation of participants and communication effect.

4. Outdoor entertainment. Music festivals, concerts and theme parks and other places often use LED circular screens to display performance information, artistic effects and interactive experiences. The variety and brightness adjustability of the circular display can create stunning visual effects and bring a new entertainment experience to the audience.

The above is how to calculate the circular screen area, and the introduction of application scenarios. If you have any questions about the circular LED display or project needs, please contact Apexls!