LED shaped display how to calculate the size of the area?

The LED shaped display is a non-traditional shape display, which is different from the traditional rectangular or square display. It can be a variety of shapes, such as spherical, cylindrical, arc, trapezoid, etc., to adapt to specific application scenarios and design needs. Because the shape of the irregular display screen is irregular, the area can not be calculated according to the "area = length × width" of the conventional screen. So how to calculate the size of the special-shaped display, how to calculate the screen area? Take a look at the following and Apexls:

To calculate the special-shaped display body area, you need to first understand what kind of special-shaped screen products? Then to calculate, the following provides the calculation of the area of several common special-shaped display screens for reference:

1. Spherical screen
If we have a spherical screen, let's say the area is S and the diameter is D, then the area of the spherical screen is S=πD². For example, the diameter of a spherical screen is 5 meters, so the area is 5×5×3.14=78.5 square meters.

2. Cylindrical screen
The area of the cylinder screen is S, the height is H, and the diameter of the cylinder is D, then the area of the cylinder screen is S=πDH. For example, the cylindrical screen is 4 meters high and 2 meters in diameter, then the area is 3.14×2×4=25.12 square meters.

3. Rectangular screen, triangle screen, etc
The LED shaped screen is first broken down into several simple geometric shapes, such as rectangles, triangles or trapezoids. Determine how to decompose based on the shape and features of the screen. For each simple shape, calculate its area using the appropriate formula. For example:

The area of a triangle is calculated as follows: area =1/2* base * height;
Rectangle area calculation formula: area = length * width;
Trapezoid area calculation formula: area =1/2*(bottom + bottom)* height;
Ellipse area calculation formula: area =π* major axis * minor axis.

The above is about how to calculate the special-shaped display screen area. If the more complex special-shaped screen, it is necessary to divide several geometric figures according to the shape of the special-shaped display screen, and then calculate its area with a formula respectively, and then summarize the total area. If you have relevant questions, welcome to communicate with Apexls.